
About Jon Newmark

Hi there! I am a photographer with a burning passion for the beauty of the natural world. Equally enamored with hiking and backpacking, I spend a great deal of time seeking out places that stir my soul and then attempt to capture the essence of that feeling in my photographs.

I was raised in Applewood, Colorado and have resided in Washington State since 1991. I bought my first SLR camera, a Minolta SRT-101 in 1973, primarily to photograph the many rock concerts I was attending. With a job at a ticket outlet, I photographed most of the biggest bands of the day from the first few rows until things became too restrictive to get a camera through the door.

Around that time I was getting more interested in backpacking and mountain climbing so it was only natural to shift my focus to landscape photography. With no formal training, in the beginning I relied on the beautiful coffee table books of David Muench and John Fielder to teach me about composition and light. Over the years I’ve covered many a mile and I always carried my camera with me.

My desire to share all these incredible places led me to write trip reports and send them along with the photos to family and friends. The Trip Report section of this site is filled with adventures I have written about since 2012 when I first began sending out trip reports. Keep checking back as I will be adding new adventures throughout each year. If you are just interested in the photography, the Image Gallery has photos grouped into various categories.

Your feedback is always welcome and greatly appreciated. I would encourage you to leave comments at the end of the reports but I cannot reply directly to you through the website. If you wish to correspond or for me to respond directly, feel free to email me at jbnewmark@gmail.com.


