Fine Day For A Snowshoe - Skyline Lake/The Rock Garden, 1.22.21

I haven’t been snowshoeing in a long time so when my friend Greg Dilley called with that suggestion I was halfway packed and ready before we hung up. Not being that familiar with the safe (low avalanche danger) places to go, he suggested we go up to Stevens Pass and hike up to Skyline Lake and beyond to a place known as The Rock Garden. He had just been up there but was happy to go again so this morning we headed up to the pass. Skyline Lake is along the ridge on the opposite side of the highway from the Stevens Pass Ski Area so we conveniently parked in the north lot and donned our snowshoes. I’m not sure what the temperature was but the route is basically a steep maintenance road most of the way and it only took a few minutes of huffing uphill to stop and shed a layer.

Stevens Pass Ski Area

Greg Dilley - Cascade Tour Guide

Yours truly (courtesy of Greg)

The road gained a swift 1,100’ or so in less than two miles until we reached a fork. We veered off the road and wound through a bit of forest and meadow until we reached the frozen over Skyline Lake. This is where things started looking cool. We went around the northeast side of the lake and then climbed up further through the trees to a low point on the ridge above the lake. As we followed the ridge line higher we entered the Rock Garden - a giant jumble of house sized boulders mostly covered in snow. The wind and the sun had melted some of the snow to where the boulders took on all kinds of weird shapes. The dark rock and brilliant white snow against the bright bluebird sky was just a joy to behold. We wound our way through the lower portion of the Rock Garden until we came to a high spot with a commanding view of the area. Photos were taken, lunch was eaten and all was well with the world.

Greg entering the Rock Garden

Approaching our lunch spot

The intrepid explorers

We saw several other parties throughout the day but it certainly didn’t feel crowded and with the sunny balmy conditions everyone was in a great mood. Very refreshing.

Greg hiking out of the Rock Garden

I was so happy to be out on a winter hike on such a glorious day

As the day progressed the temperature warmed up even more and the clouds that had partially obscured some views earlier in the day slowly cleared off. From the ridge we could look north to the peaks of the Monte Cristo Group and Glacier Peak. Looking off the other side of the ridge the Chiwaukums were rising above the ski area as were the Foss River peaks.

Glacier Peak and Lichtenberg Mountain

Mt. Daniel

Mt. Hinman

Coming off the ridge (courtesy of Greg Dilley)

Skyline Lake

All in all it was a tremendous day for relatively little effort. The snow, the cool, crisp air and mountain splendor was medicine for the soul and I feel refreshed and ready for the next adventure!


Waterfall Insanity! Silver Falls State Park, Oregon, 3.9.21 - 3.12.21


The Big Trip 9.7.20 - 9.23.20, Part 1 of 9: Devil's Hellstorm to Devils Tower