Spring 2022 Utah Adventure, 4.23.22 - 5.12.22, Part 9 of 12
Once we had completed our hike to Hickman Bridge we still had the whole day ahead of us. At first we thought we might drive to the river ford and just go up to the Bentonite Hills and back but since we had all day we just decided to make a run all the way through Cathedral Valley. This time I got out and waded across the Fremont River and let Bridgit drive the Jeep across while I shot video. She loved being behind the wheel and handled the ford like a pro.
Since we had all day and no set timetable, we stopped in the Bentonite Hills so I could get out and roam around a bit more than the first time. I’m so glad we did too because I got to walk down into the mounds and get an entirely different perspective on what they looked like from above and below.
The Bentonite Hills
Dana in the Bentonite Hills (Bridgit pic)
The Bentonite Hills
The Bentonite Hills
The Bentonite Hills
The Bentonite Hills
The Bentonite Hills
We moved on from the Bentonite Hills and made a stop at the Lower South Desert Overlook. I found some odd formations I hadn’t seen the first time through.
Bob at Lower South Desert Overlook
Lower South Desert Overlook
Toadstools at Lower South Desert Overlook
By the time we reached the Cathedral Valley Campground it was time for lunch. As we left the campground to continue our drive, I dialed in the theme from the movie “How The West Was Won” and cranked up the volume. As we bounced our way down the rough switchbacks, with the towering monoliths of The Cathedrals along with countless spires and red rock walls lining the vast valley, it was a musical moment that fit the bill perfectly. Moving on, we made all the same stops minus the hiking and even added a visit to the Gypsum Sinkhole which we had skipped the first time through.
The Gypsum Sinkhole
Peakfinder view of the Henry Mountains