Back Yard Gem - Cutthroat Lakes and Bald Mountain, 7.14.19, Part 2 of 2

There’s not much more to tell you other than it was just one of those great days in the mountains so I will just caption the rest of these photos.

Greg on true summit with Spada Lake below

Del Campo Peak and Gothic Peak. Bridgit and I have climbed Del Campo and Greg has climbed Gothic.

Pano from Cutthroat Lakes Basin over east ridge to Spada Lake

Cutthroat Lakes from Bald Mountain summit

Greg below summit block on descent

Summit block from the west. We did not go up that way!

Summit block and back side of ridge we traversed

Brazilian Tiger Lilies and Spada Lake

One of the Cutthroat Lakes

Cutthroat Lakes


Back Yard Gem - Cutthroat Lakes and Bald Mountain, 7.14.19, Part 1 of 2


Surrounded By Volcanoes - Mt. St. Helens Natl. Volcanic Monument, 7.7.19 - 7.9.19: Part 1 of 4