Get Yer Goat!, Goat Peak, 7.2.14

Since Bridgit is leaving tomorrow for almost two weeks visiting family, we decided to get out for a hike before her departure. She is pleased with her progress since the neck surgery last year and has already been on a few hikes so far this year.

Our trip took us through the town of Oso where a terrible landslide took forty-one lives on March 22nd. It is not too far from where we live but we hadn't been through there since. The devastation zone is so huge pictures just don't adequately depict it.

Oso slide area

Once through there we headed up the North Cascades Highway and over Washington Pass where we camped. This morning we got up at 5AM and after coffee and breakfast we drove down to one of my favorite towns, Mazama. Several dirt roads later and much climbing we got to the trailhead for Goat Peak.

Our destination

Goat Peak has a manned fire lookout on the summit during fire season and was supposed to have a commanding view of the entire Methow area. It is not a hard hike at only 2.5 miles and 1,400' of vertical gain and in no time we found ourselves on the final summit ridge.

Working our way up the ridge

Goat Peak Lookout from the ridge

Last stretch of trail before the summit

The views awaiting us at the top far exceeded my expectations. Giant peaks were visible as far as the eye could see in every direction. I knew the names of dozens of them at it was really interesting to see them from a new and different vantage point.

Silver Star Mountain

Reynolds Peak

Mt Goode and Corteo Peak

Slate Peak Lookout

Goat Peak Lookout

Summit cairn

Mazama valley

Looking down the ridge from the summit

The entire route was snow free except for one small little snow patch and the alpine meadows were bursting with flowers.

Flower show

On our way home we stopped for a break at the Diablo Lake overlook where I took this pano with my phone. It looks like hiking season is officially underway!

Diablo Lake Overlook


A Fine Day at Mount Rainier National Park, Skyscraper Mountain, 7.6.14


A Trip Far From The North Cascades, Kauai, 3.7.14 - 3.14.14