Yellowstone National Park/Grand Teton National Park, 9.26.21 - 10.6.21, Part 4 of 11

The hike through Upper Geyser Basin was just a constant assault on the senses. We could have hiked much further but we wanted to get back to secure a spot in the dinner line so when we reached Grotto Geyser we came back down the other side of the Firehole River, passing a variety of strange and wonderful things.

Chromatic Spring

Crossing the Firehole River

Oblong Geyser?

Not sure what this Geyser is named

Not sure what this Geyser is named

Bison on the Firehole River

Firehole River

We ended our hike of the Upper Geyser Basin around 4PM and went into the Old Faithful Inn. This is truly one of the grand lodges. Built in 1904 it is one of if not the largest log-style structures in the world. It has a massive lobby that I believe is six stories tall. A huge zig zag staircase climbs to a rooftop patio where you could potentially watch Old Faithful erupt in style. Our hope was to eat a sit down dinner together. A line had just started to form so we hopped in. We only had to wait about a half hour for the restaurant to open and we had a great meal, probably the best meal of the trip to Yellowstone.

Old Faithful Inn

Old Faithful Inn lobby

Because we got into the restaurant before the line got too long we had time to watch Old Faithful one more time before heading back to the Canyon Lodge. There weren’t very many people left watching it. Things quiet down so much after Labor Day and by evening time in late September it can feel downright empty at times. Anyway, we got another front row spot in about the same area we had seen it earlier in the day. Only this time, Old Faithful was up to the task! Spray shot up easily one hundred feet and the steam cloud drifted politely to the right, making it easier to see the actual geyser. The added bonus was a brilliant rainbow in the mist of the geyser. We all felt so much happier now that we had proof Old Faithful still has it.

After that we did the long drive back up past the Grand Prismatic and Firehole Lake Drive to Norris Junction and then back across to our rooms in the Canyon Lodge.

Old Faithful

Old Faithful

Firehole River at dusk

Another great day in Yellowstone is just around the bend! Next up is Part 5.


Yellowstone National Park/Grand Teton National Park, 9.26.21 - 10.6.21, Part 3 of 11


Yellowstone National Park/Grand Teton National Park, 9.26.21 - 10.6.21, Part 5 of 11