First Backpack of 2020! - Bean Creek Basin, 7.13.20 - 7.14.20

Hungry to load weight on our backs and climb up steep hills, Greg, Cindy and I decided on a one-nighter to Bean Creek Basin yesterday. This was my fourth visit to this basin and the first for Greg and Cindy. Bean Creek Basin is on the eastern side of the Cascade Crest near the town of Cle Elum in the beautiful Teanaway Mountains which typically have better weather than western Washington where it seems like it’s been raining all summer so far. We hit the trail a little after 9AM and made quick work of the steep but relatively short hike to the basin.

The basin is the headwaters for Bean Creek and it is a lush, green meadow filled with wildflowers of every shape, size and color. It is surrounded by higher ridges consisting of four main peaks - Earl, Bean, Mary’s and Judy’s. Since we had no plan, the plan was to get Cindy, who likes to push herself in the mountains but is quite fearful of exposure when climbing, to the top of Bean Peak.

Bean Creek Basin from our campsite

No one else was camped in the basin so we found primo spots, set up camp and got our day packs ready for adventure. A trail led up through acres of wildflowers to the ridge line above the basin. Upon arriving at the ridge we were greeted with an awe-inspiring view of the entire Stuart Range, named for Mt. Stuart, the second highest non-volcanic peak in the state. Along the way, views opened up to the south of Mt. Adams, the Goat Rocks Wilderness and Mt. Rainier.

Arriving at the ridge top

At the ridge we had a clearer view of our objective so we ran the ridge (well we didn’t run, but that just sounds cool) to just under the base of the summit block. From here to the top is considered a Class 3 scramble. The rock is excellent and there are many ways to go but it is steep and quite airy in spots. This is where we stashed our hiking poles since we needed our hands to aid in the climbing from here.

Bean Peak summit block

This is one of those peaks that is actually a little harder than it looks. Since I had been up here before I led the way and carefully chose a route that would hopefully not freak out Cindy too much.

One of the dicier sections

Still smiling! That’s a good sign!

Part of the route heads up this steep gully

Cindy did a fantastic job and soon we were celebrating our successful climb at the summit. All around us were great views of peaks near and far.

The Stuart Range across Ingalls Creek

Looking back down to our camp in Bean Creek Basin from the summit of Bean Peak

The peaks of the Stuart Range. The famous Enchantment Lakes are high on a plateau all along these peaks.

Mt. Rainier from the summit of Bean Peak

Two great climbers: Greg “Messner” Dilley and Cindy “Whittaker” Ferraro


Back on the ridge after our successful climb

Afterwards we settled down for some relaxation. The flowers were just everywhere. So far I think it seems like this season has been a bit buggy compared to the last few but were only mildly irritated on this trip.

Earl Peak and Indian Paintbrush

Flora in Bean Creek Basin

I’m a big fan of the Columbines. Must be my Colorado heritage.

Only one other party showed up to camp in the basin last night and they were a bit loud and yakky but not too bad. This morning we packed up headed back down and had a great lunch at a little Mexican place in North Bend on the way home. Good times were had and it felt great to have my pack on my back once again.

Greg and Cindy at the treacherous crossing of Bean Creek (actually this crossing is sometimes impossible due to high water)

Our schedule of hiking and RV tripping is really ramping up so there is lots more to come!


The Return of Neighbor Greg - Tamanos Mountain, 7.25.20


Back to Where It All Began - Goat Mountain, 6.25.2020