Packin' the Beartooths! The Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, 8.15.21 - 8.26.21, Part 5 of 6

Island Lake is one of the starting points for a popular hike known as The Beartooth High Lakes Trail. On my original itinerary, the plan for our very first day of backpacking was to hike this trail to the three mile point and then leave the trail and hike cross-country up to Becker Lake and camp overnight. From there we would continue deeper into the heart of the Beartooth Plateau past Albino Lake to Jasper Lake, camping again and then continuing to points even further before looping back around a different way to return to Island Lake. Jasper Lake is seven miles from Island Lake so for our day hike we had the option depending on the weather and how we felt of going to Becker, Albino or Jasper and then coming back out the same way. This could be decided on the fly.

The morning was pleasantly warm but the smoke was the thickest of any day on the trip. We wondered out loud if the future generations of young folks taking up hiking will ever see a crystal clear sky again. The trail begins by following the west shore of Island Lake. Almost immediately after getting to the end of the lake Night Lake appears and we again hiked along the shore past this lake. A third lake called Flake Lake is passed before the first junction. Not a true junction, at roughly the three mile mark we left the Beartooth High Lakes Trail. If we had continued we would have reached the junction from our first day in about a quarter mile. Instead we veered northwest off the trail and worked our way towards a gap in a ridge. Although there is no official trail on the maps, a well worn path led us where we needed to go. To reach the gap we hiked between Mutt and Jeff Lakes and then had to cross a small boulder field along the shore of Jeff Lake before reaching a steep hill.

Ground cover is starting to show signs of the changing season. Our route goes up the hill to the gap on the middle right of this photo. Lonesome Mountain is on the left.

The boulder field crossing at Jeff Lake

Mike and Sandy at Jeff lake. The boulder field and the hill we climbed are behind them

After crossing the boulder field we climbed a small hill. After getting to the top we got our first views of Becker Lake, a very long lake with incredible rocky cliffs along the far shore. Due to cliffs on our side as well, the trail climbed up and over a hill before dropping down to the level of the the lake near the far end.

Hiking along Becker Lake

Nearing the inlet creek to Becker Lake. Lonesome Mountain rises beyond.

Albino Lake is only another two miles beyond Becker Lake and we felt strong so we marched on. Beyond Becker we followed a really nice creek coming from Albino Lake and then climbed over another easy hill to reach Albino Lake. Halfway between Becker and Albino Lakes we officially hiked from Wyoming into Montana, although there was no sign or indication of that other than what it showed on our maps.

The walls of the upper Beartooth Plateau rise high above the lakes basin

Albino Lake

Albino Lake sits at exactly 10,000’. We found a nice grassy hill to plunk on and considered our options. Across the lake rose Lonesome Mountain. Just to the right of Lonesome was a gap. This gap looks down on Jasper Lake which is seven miles from the Island Lake Trailhead. We could have gone for Jasper but it would have taken us a few more hours to get there and back so we decided the six mile hike to Albino was far enough for this day. Our original plan for the backpack trip would have also included a climb of Lonesome Mountain. Taking Mike’s age into consideration (he was born in May, I was born in September) we thought it best to stop at Albino for a leisurely lunch.

Albino Lake pano

Team Beartooth at Albino Lake

Instead of following the trail back down from Albino Lake to Becker Lake, we opted to climb a knoll with a commanding view of both Albino in one direction and Becker in the other. From the top of the knoll we wandered cross country down the opposite side of the creek from where the trail was almost back to Becker Lake before crossing back and rejoining the trail. Our makeshift route wasn’t very long but it was much more enjoyable than simply taking the trail back down.

Albino Lake, Lonesome Mountain and the gap below Jasper Lake

One last look at Albino Lake from the knoll

Sandy dropping down from the knoll

Coming back along Becker Lake

Rocky walls above Jeff Lake

Lush hummocks near Flake Lake

Outlet stream to Island Lake

We passed by at least seven lakes on our nine mile out and back from Island Lake to Albino Lake. It’s hard to grasp just how many lakes there are in the Beartooths. The place is a paradise. We had planned to hike five days in a row but another front was going to move in so we thought it best to get one last hike in on the fourth day and then head for our respective homes.

For the final hike, be sure to read Part 6.


Packin' the Beartooths! The Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, 8.15.21 - 8.26.21, Part 4 of 6


Packin' the Beartooths! The Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, 8.15.21 - 8.26.21, Part 6 of 6